Our pledge to you

When you hire Nasqo Properties, you are hiring the best and most trustworthy in the industry.  We are passionate about real estate and we absolutely care about your bottom line.  We will do everything in our power to live our core values and help you turn your real estate goals into reality.

icon_widget_image Monday-Saturday: 9am to 5pm; Sunday - CLOSED icon_widget_image Kasoa Nyanyano Road, Nasqo Plaza Building Last Floor, Adjacent the Post Office icon_widget_image +233(0)240221212 +233(0)277071717 +233(0)302864956 icon_widget_image info@nasqoproperties.com sales@nasqoproperties.com

Property Management

Property Management

How you manage your property today has a great impact on its value tomorrow. This is a concept that Nasqo Properties fully understands, and it underpins how we manage your property portfolio. No other independent service provider has our expertise and track record when it comes to property management in Ghana.

We deliver superior returns – something that we’ve consistently achieved even in tough market conditions. That’s why some of Ghana’s largest portfolios, both listed and private are entrusted to us.

Nasqo Property’s commitment to proactive portfolio-based property management through planned building life-cycle maintenance, utilities management and use of technology is focused entirely on unlocking the true potential and long-term value of clients’ properties.

Underpinning our work is a commitment to knowledge-based results and our in-house Research Department separates us from other property management companies.

Our proactive approach has resulted in our becoming one of the leading service providers in this growing and highly competitive sector.